Underwater Cave Survey in Quintana Roo Mexico Quintana Roo Speleological Survey


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Speleo-Links of Interest

last updated 09 February, 2020


  International Caving Links
The National Speleological Society (US) Czech Speleological Society (CZ)
 NSS GEO2 Long and Deep Caves (US) Mesoamerican Cave Archaeology Network (MX)
Association for Mexican Cave Studies (MX) Oztotl Mexico Caving Reports (MX)
British Cave Research Association (UK) Slovak Speleological Society (SK)

  Underwater Caving Links 
Cave Diving Section of the NSS (US) National Association for Cave Diving (US)
Cave Exploration (MX) Protec Diving (MX)
DIR Mexico (MX) Tulum SCUBA (MX)
El Proyecto de Buceo Espeleologico (US, MX) Xibalba Dive Center (MX)

  Biospeleology and Science Links
Anchialine Caves and Cave Biology (US) Karst Waters Institute (US)
Cave Science (US)  

  Survey, Cartography, GIS and GPS Links
Compass Surveying Software (US) NSS Survey & Cartography Section (US)
Fugawi Navigation Software (CN) Walls Survey Software (US)
GPS Receiver Information (US) UIS Cave Symbols (CH)
  QRSS Survey Data Sheet Sample (xls format)

Updates and corrections are welcome: chac<at>consolidated.net

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